Generate New Privilege Key Teamspeak 3

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Mar 04, 2016  This is a short video detailing the simple process of how to use privilege keys to obtain permissions set up for you by an admin. How to ViForce: Teamspeak 3 - Privilege Keys. How to create. How to enter and use your TeamSpeak 3 privilege key How to enter and use your TeamSpeak 3 privilege key The mechanism controlling user permissions on a TeamSpeak 3 server is fundamentally different than in TeamSpeak 2.

Connect to TeamSpeak 3 Server

You can connect to a TeamSpeak 3 server to input commands without the need for a TeamSpeak 3 client. This can be done by connecting to the query port using telnet.

Using PuTTY or equivalent select a telnet connection and enter the server IP and TeamSpeak 3 query port (default:10011).

Useful Commands


Generating a new Privilege key

Note: Your server ID is usually 1

Reset your query password

See change password.

TeamSpeak 3 Databases

The TeamSpeak 3 database contains all user information, groups, and statistics for your server.

SQLite Database

By default, TeamSpeak 3 uses an SQLite database file, which allows good performance for most users, and easy server transfers from one server to another. This method is recommended for most admins as it is the simplest database method to use.


TeamSpeak 3 also allows admins to use MariaDB (MySQL alternative) manage the database. MariaDB is entirely optional and is not required so it is recommended that admins only use if they are comfortable.


Information about installing TeamSpeak 3 with MariaDB can be found here.

Teamspeak Recovery Key


TSDNS is a system allowing admins to redirect a domain name to a given TeamSpeak 3 port.

If TeamSpeak 3 port is using the default port, you do not need to provide the port when you are giving your server address, you can use the IP or domain name directly.

TSDNS is useful to admins that are hosting multiple TeamSpeak 3 servers on a single dedicated server.

Further documentation can be found using the following command.

Additional information can be found here.

Teamspeak Generate Privilege Key

Then you can copy the sample, edit it accordingly and restart your TeamSpeak 3 server to apply the changes.

Known issues


Teamspeak Privilege Key Generator

Some users with IPv6 enabled might encounter a server failing to start properly. To fix this edit serverfiles/ts3-server.ini to add a standard IPv4 (voice_ip; filetransfer_ip; query_ip) and remove the , :: from IPv6. Then as the server failed to start at the installation, the privilege key hasn't been generated. So you will need to use server query (ID/Password have been generated for them) to generate a new Server Admin privilege key.

Accounting failed to register

Teamspeak 3 Client

If you find the following in the log you may need to remove a file that was created by teamspeak in /dev/shm/ ERROR |Accounting | |failed to register local accounting service: File exists The file is named '7gbhujb54g8z9hu43jre8' that is the problem for teamspeak. You need remove the file that is owned by another user and then try again to start the teamspeak server.

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